Obveščamo vas o spremembi delovanja načina vstopa v prostor. Vstop v prostor do 17:00 je mogoč le s kartico Omega gym, ali mobilnim telefonom preko QR kode.

Aplikacijo za mobilni telefon najdete na: https://omega-gym.ipoint.si

Vstopajte posamično! Ob vstopu se obvezno prijavite na vhodu (čitalec)!

Nedovoljen vstop v prostor se kaznuje z globo 200€.

Delovni čas je spremenjen: nedelja 8:00 – 21:30.

Kontakt: 064 198 577

Hvala za razumevanje,

Vaš Omega gym



We are informing you about a change in the method of entering the premises. Entry to the premises until 17:00/5pm is only possible with an Omega gym card or a mobile phone via QR code.

You can find the mobile application at: https://omega-gym.ipoint.si

Enter individually! When entering, be sure to register at the entrance (reader)!

Unauthorized entry into the premises is punishable by a fine of €200.

Working hours are changed: Sundays 8:00 – 21:30.

Contact: 064 198 577

Thank you for your understanding,

Your Omega Gym